Sunday, April 15, 2012

Komodo Dragon

The Komodo Dragon is the heaviest lizard at up to 500 pounds. Although it is not a direct descendent of the dinosaur, it shares a similar past.  They are very intelligent, especially when it comes to hunting.  The Komodo Dragon is a carnivore and will will eat almost anything. They have a very venomous bite and a great sense of smell.  It can run up to 11 miles an hour in short sprints. This reptile is only found on the island of Komodo and three nearby islands in Indonesia. 

There are estimated to be about 3,000 left in the wild!

They are highly threatened because of humans moving into their habitat and killing them or their prey (like the deer).  In addition, slash and burn practices (cutting and burning forests in order to grow crops) in the forest they live in has killed many Komodo Dragons.   

You can support wild life preserves in Indonesia like the Komodo preserve.  You can also support organizations that try to change the laws that can protect their natural habitat like outlawing slashing and burning or over hunting deer.


  1. Wow, I didn't realize Komodo Dragons only lived in Indonesia. I wish there was something we could do as a class, or a school, to save them.

  2. 1. I do not like reptiles.
    2. I am REALLY scared of Komodo Dragons.
    3. Even though I am afraid of them...I want to see them protected.

    Thank you for this information.

  3. I had no idea they were endangered! This is a great way to inform people. Nice work, Mark!

  4. I have always been fascinated by Komodo Dragons. Did you know that wild Dragons live with deadly bacteria in their mouths? Somehow they are not affected by the bacteria. I had no idea they were endangered!
