Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Polar Bears

Polar Bears are the wolds largest land predator. A male can grow up to 15 feet long and can weigh up to 1,400 pounds, and the female can grow up to 7 feet long and 650 pounds in weight. Polar Bears usually live to the age of 25. They can swim up to 100 miles at a time.  Polar Bears can be found in along the shore and sea ice of the Arctic.  Their main source of food are the seals in this region.

The Polar Bear population is tiny. In 1987 there were only 1,200 left. And in 2004 the number dropped all the way down to 950.

Polar Bears are endangered because of global warming impacting their habitat. The heat has melted much of the sea ice, the main habitat for seals.  As a result, seals are leaving the area and leaving Polar Bears to starve.   In addition, the ice melts earlier in the season which gives them less time to hunt and build up fat reserves before the winter.

You can reduce purchase of manufactured items, ride train and cars like the CSX and the prius, carpool, walk, and ride a bike to reduce air pollution.  Air pollution causes global warming.

1 comment:

  1. That is really amazing that the population is dropping so quickly, in a sad way. The baby polar bear is so cute!!!
